Using a Schedule : Working with a Schedule Definition : Editing a Schedule Definition Addition
Editing a Schedule Definition Addition
The following procedure explains how to delete, rename, or edit a schedule definition addition.
Complete the following steps:
1 Click Data Entry > Define Schedules to open the Define Schedules window (Figure 9-12).
2 Click the down arrow in the Select Schedule Definition field and select an addition in the selection list.
3 If you want to delete the addition, click Delete, then click Yes when the Delete message displays (Figure 9-13).
Figure 9-13. Delete Message
4 If you want to rename an addition, type a new name in the Schedule Name field and then click Save.
5 If you want to edit the addition by adding one or more schedule types, follow these steps:
a Select a schedule type listed in the Available Schedule Types pane. To select multiple schedule types, press the Ctrl key on the computer keyboard while selecting each schedule type.
b Click the top arrow button to move the schedule type(s) to the Selected Schedule Types pane, then click Save.
6 If you want to edit the addition by removing one or more schedule types, follow these steps:
a Select a schedule type listed in the Selected Schedule Types pane. To select multiple schedule types, press the Ctrl key on the computer keyboard while selecting each schedule type.
b Click the bottom arrow button to move the schedule type to the Available Schedule Types pane, then click Save.