Using a Schedule : Working with a Schedule Definition : Editing an Installed Schedule Definition
Editing an Installed Schedule Definition
An installed schedule definition includes [PCS] in the title of the schedule definition name, such as [PCS] Installed Schedule Definition. The procedure in this section explains how to complete the following tasks to edit an installed schedule definition:
add a schedule type
remove a schedule type
revert an installed schedule definition
To edit an installed schedule definition, follow these steps:
1 Click Data Entry > Define Schedules to open the Define Schedules window (Figure 9-9).
2 Click the down arrow in the Select Schedule Definition field and select an installed schedule definition, such as [PCS] Installed Schedule Definition.
Figure 9-9. Define Schedules
3 To add one or more schedule types to an installed schedule definition:
a Select a schedule type listed in the Available Schedule Types pane, such as Periodic Rectifier. To select multiple schedule types, press the Ctrl key on the computer keyboard while selecting each schedule type.
b Click the top arrow button to move the schedule type(s) to the Selected Schedule Types pane (Figure 9-10). Click Save.
Note: Double-clicking a schedule type in the Available Schedule Types pane also moves it to the Selected Schedule Types pane.
Figure 9-10. Adding a Schedule Type
4 To remove one or more schedule types from an installed schedule definition:
a Select a schedule type listed in the Selected Schedule Types pane (Figure 9-10). To select multiple schedule types, press the Ctrl key on the computer keyboard while selecting each schedule type.
b Click the bottom arrow button to move the schedule type to the Available Schedule Types pane. Click Save.
Note: Double-clicking a schedule type in the Selected Schedule Types pane also moves it to the Available Schedule Types pane.
5 After saving changes to an installed schedule definition, complete the following step to revert to installed values:
Click Revert then click Yes when the Revert message displays (Figure 9-11).
Figure 9-11. Revert Message