Using Reports and Graphs : Considering the Value of PCS Axis Reports
Considering the Value of PCS Axis Reports
PCS Axis reporting supports a variety of business applications. A few of these include managing data collection and data entry; reviewing the quality of cathodic protection (CP) data; providing information for an audit; and examining the effectiveness of a maintenance program.
The following list describes how you can use PCS Axis reporting in your business:
Manage data collection and data entry.
Provide a printed copy of the Survey Report or Data Collection Report to technicians and vendors for recording CP data in the field. Update the PCS Axis database using completed reports submitted by technicians and vendors. Using PCS Axis reports in this manner allows you to verify consistent data collection and data entry in PCS Axis.
Review data quality.
Use PCS Axis reporting to check the quality of survey data submitted by vendors. The quickest method is to view the Survey Report to determine which facilities have not been surveyed. Blank report fields indicate no survey data. If a vendor is using the Allegro Field PC to collect survey data, view the Field Computer Log to determine which facilities have not been surveyed.
Another method for checking the quality of survey data is to generate an Exceptions or Comparisons report. The Exceptions report allows you to compare surveys from previous years. Look for dramatic changes between surveys. You can also use the Exceptions report to check for data entry mistakes. This is helpful when range checking is not used or when personnel enter data using survey data recorded in a printed form. The Comparisons report compares multiple years of survey data. Use the Comparisons report to review changes in data and check for mistakes that might have been made during data entry.
Provide information for an audit.
The Survey Report and facility Inspections Graph contain most of the information needed for an audit. When an audit requires more specific information, create a custom facility report using a columnar, summary, or graph report style.
To prepare for an audit, generate a Delinquency Report to help with creating a plan for bringing a pipeline system into compliance. Another method for preparing for an audit is to generate a Survey Report or any custom summary report to provide data for an audit. All other PCS Axis reports are also beneficial in providing information for an audit.
Determine the effectiveness of a maintenance program.
PCS Axis reporting provides several reports and graphs that help with determining the effectiveness of a maintenance program. For example, use the CPDM Rectifier Output History Report to review the output of a rectifier over time. Look for changes in the rectifier output and any survey remarks or permanent comments that identify reasons for the change. Another method for determining a maintenance program’s effectiveness is to generate the Survey Report and review the number of inspection readings for a particular survey period. Also look for changes among facilities.